Friday, June 11, 2010

Here she is...

So folks... I've decided to start a separate blog from my personal one. This one is strictly going to be for my photography adventures. Since college is over, and I'm stepping into a new chapter of my life, I figure, why not submerse myself in all that is photography since I love it so much?

This is going to feature my experiments and lessons I learn as I delve deeper into my photography. I'll explore tutorials, share ones that helped me, ask for clarity about the ones that didn't, and also ask for your help in critiquing my photos. Since I don't yet have the luxury of attending photography school, this will be my opportunity to fine tune things.

I'll start featuring some of my older and newer photos on here once I've discovered how to make a watermark to protect my photos. (And maybe even blog about that too.) As much as I want critiques I'll let you know now I'll be monitoring all comments and any negativity will not be posted. This is a hobby, not my livelihood and I'd like to continue to enjoy it!

God Bless, and welcome aboard on this crazy and exciting exploration!