Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's in a Name?

I'll tell you... it has been a long and mentally grueling week already and it's only Wednesday. It could be, that I haven't had as much sleep as I probably should be getting. But I'd like to attribute it to the fact that I've been scratching and digging in every nook and cranny of my brain to come up with a name for my photography business. One that's Christian oriented, multi-faceted, and isn't already taken in 5 states....

Yeah, I know. That's pretty difficult (thus me not choosing a name yet). But I have faith that something will come to me. You know, like, BAM! It'll hit me, and I'll feel dumb for about 5 minutes wondering why I hadn't already thought of it... and then be really happy. Till then, it's time to rest my brain....

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